Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Green Rizla, Red Rizla - now there's even pink! Which rolling paper should I buy?

At S&R Tradelink Wholesale, we pride ourselves on providing a wide range of wholesale Rizla rolling papers. All our pack sizes are wholesale and we only supply to bona fide retailers - so we're often asked why we stock such a massive Rizla range!

What are the differences between them all?


Different rolling papers come in  different sizes, just like normal paper!  Regular papers will produce a 'regular' length cigarette, whereas Kingsize ones produce, you've guessed it, a kingsize cigarette when rolled with tobacco.  XXL are even longer.

The number of sheets in an individual pack varies too.  Different size packs may contain different amounts of papers.

Thickness & Rate of Combustion

When it comes to rolling papers, thickness and burn rate go hand in hand.

Thicker paper burns more quickly and offers a less intense smoke, whereas a thinner paper will burn more slowly and the smoke will be more intense.

Some say the thinner the paper the better the smoke, but in fact it is really down to personal preference.  Thinner, longer papers tend to be most expensive - but they are recommended for more experienced rollers, so thicker papers are often the best sellers and the mainstays of the range for your everyday convenience retailer, who will normally only offer one or two Kingsize Slim ranges.

Green Rizla has rounded tips

Some papers, like green Rizla (by far and away the UK's best seller) have rounded tips.  This makes it easier to use them in a traditional cigarette rolling machine.  They are medium thickness and are easy to roll.  Red Rizla are the same thickness but do not have rounded tips.

We offer Green Rizla in both Regular and Kingsize, as well as multipacks.

Rizla blue are thinner and finer than Green or Red Rizla.  Rizla silver are thinner and slimmer again.

What is the difference between Kingsize and Kingsize Slim?

We offer a range of kingsize and kingsize slim papers.  Kingsize refers only to the length of the paper.

Kingsize slims are only around 44cm in width.  This means less paper to roll with, giving a lighter 'outer' and thus a cleaner, slower burn.

Most retailers should at least stock Red, Blue, Green and Silver Rizla rolling papers in a range of sizes.

What about 'designer' Rizla papers?

We stock a range of thinner papers.  Rizla Black and Rizla Micron are very thin papers, producing a more intense smoking experience, but they are also harder to roll.  They are however a must-stock line for Head Shops and retailers in areas where rollers are more experienced.

Rizla Natura on the other hand are made from unbleached hemp and therefore offer a more natural rolling experience.

The new Rizla Pink Regular Smoking Papers are NOT just a pretty colour to attract female rollers.   The Paper is thinner then Red Regular and Green Regular Papers. The length of each paper is 70mm and the width is 36mm.  Made with Arabic gum, they roll easily and stick first time round.

Flavoured Rizla papers

We offer a wide range of flavoured rolling papers and flavoured blunt cigar wraps, but in the Rizla range the only flavoured paper is Liquorice.

That's a really basic introduction into rolling papers, however the S&R Girls are experts.

If you aren't sure which ranges will work well for your customers, give them a call on 01792 813906 - they will be happy to help!


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